Upcoming major milestones: Heldeburg To Hudson Half in April - Marine Corps Marathon in October.
What is the secret to your success? Consistency is the key. Don't let excuses limit your results!
What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? Being in upstate NY, winter weather is the biggest obstacle. Some days, outdoor running is just not possible. As much as we do not like treadmills, it is a must to have here. That's my solution.
What is the most rewarding part of training? At 58 years old, and after having smoked for 25 years when I was younger, the most rewarding part is accomplishing things I never thought I would ever be able to do. Some of my rewards are health based.
What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community? Stay consistent. Don't let excuses get in the way of your success. Tell people why and how you were able to do it instead of listing all the excuses why you couldn't.
Anything else you would like to share? It is more beneficial to set lofty goals and fail than to set low goals and succeed.
What feedback would you offer on the Runcoach experience? Utilize the tools you have in your toolbox. They work. Also rely on the years of experience the coaches have.