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February 23, 2025

Runcoach Success Story: Tanya Ardoin

Written by Cally Macumber
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How Tanya Turned a 4-Hour  Marathon Goal into a 3:10 Finish

Major milestone:

I completed my first marathon and managed to qualify for the Boston Marathon 2026. I ran the Chevron Houston Marathon on January 19, 2025 finishing 4th in my age group with a time of 3:10.

What is the secret to your success?success_story_February_25

I think this app helped me achieve this goal. Earlier this summer, I registered to run an 18 mile trail race in Colorado. I didn’t follow a plan and basically just tried to get in as many miles as possible. I ended overtraining and injuring myself unable to compete in that race. So I decided this time I would follow a plan.

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it?

My biggest obstacle is sticking to the schedule and keeping up with a job, housework, etc. If I am really not in the mood to work out, I take a day off. Getting right back to it the next day can also be another motivator. Even if I don’t run all the assigned miles, I at least get some in. Walk breaks also help to keep me motivated and on track.

What is the most rewarding part of training?

The most rewarding part is the feeling of getting stronger and faster. Running feels easier when you are in better shape.

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community?

Just follow the plan. Be consistent and don’t worry too much about what everyone else is doing. I found myself comparing my workouts to what everyone else was doing but in I decided to trust in the plan Runcoach assigned to me.

Anything else you would like to share?

In the beginning, I had no idea what time I was capable of. I had originally predicted 4 hours for a marathon. I had never run that far and had no clue. Based off a 5k and my data, the app predicted I’d run a 3:15 and I thought no way. I finished with a 3:10. I am still shocked and happy.

Last modified on February 23, 2025
Cally  Macumber

Cally Macumber

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