Edward Mosqueda is an East Bay resident who is running his first Zazzle Bay to Breakers on Sunday, May 15. Keep your credit current, or else you might be speaking with him: Edward spends his days as a bill collector! He also finds time to occasionally usher at AT&T Park during Giants games. Edward grew up in San Francisco and San Jose, attending Pinole Valley High School. Still in his mid- twenties, he declares that he is “still too young for family!”
Coach: How did you start running?
EM: I used to be more active in school, but was kind of in and out of the gym. I always wanted to do the marathon, and started last year, probably September, around the time I got back from Mexico. I had spent a month in Mexico, running there in Mexico City with my Uncle. It is crazy high [altitude]. I was running and it felt like I was under water. I was chasing after my uncle. He is a former boxer and has been active ever since he retired. It shows!
Coach: Who is your running role model?
EM: Just recently, I found out about [ultramarathoner] Dean Karnazes. His story was kind of crazy -he was tired of his job and just decided to run from the city to Half Moon Bay one night! I would say him, as of late.
Coach: What has been your most memorable running / racing experience?
EM: This past one in Oakland, did the 5k [Oakland Running Festival]I . I was going to do the half, but in the end decided to do the 5k. My first one was the Kiwanis Napa 5K, but I showed up late. That was a disaster. I was much better prepared for the Oakland one.
Coach: What have you enjoyed about working with Focus-N-Fly?
EM: It has been interesting to see how the workouts have been set up. I wish you had training runs in the East Bay!
Coach: What is one part of your racing routine you can’t do without (sleep, pre race meal, tie shoes certain way, other ritual)?
I’m not really a very organized person per se. Before the Oakland race I had some good lasagna. I’m not sure what I am actually going to wear on race day, since it is the whole “Bay to Breakers” thing!
Coach: What is your favorite place to go for a run?
EM: I usually go local here to Point Pinole. I do go to the gym and use the treadmill, but that’s about it.
Coach: In the next year, what goals do you hope to accomplish?
EM: For this year, it was Bay to Breakers, and actually a couple days ago, I did a good 8 miles. For me that was pretty big. So, going into the Bay to Breakers I feel confident. Now, I am kind of looking past it, when before it was my goal to just finish it. I’m also doing the Plate to Plate 5K, but my main goal is the (San Francisco) Half in July.