Trenton grew up in the Dallas area, graduating from Allen High School in Allen, Texas. He attended community college for a year before he joined the US Navy. After about three years of being unmotivated he decided he had "had enough" and started running. Trenton serves onboard the USS Nebraska, a ballistic missle submarine home-ported in Bangor, Washington. According to Trenton, "Running is a perfect sport for a submariner because with the treadmill and weights I don't have to miss any training."
Trenton recently joined us to train for his very first race, the Amica Seattle Marathon 5K. With only a few weeks to go until race day, we caught up with Trenton while on leave in Texas (where he is likely mourning the World Series outcome, based on the picture he sent us)!
Coach: How did you start running?
TH: I was gaining weight and needed a sport to keep me in shape. I used to be athletic, but wanted to find something that was low contact. Running was the perfect solution, so I decided to do the Seattle marathon 5K.
Coach: Who is your running role model?
TH: Mike Gouin, he isn't famous by any means, just a guy I work with. He's a runner, bicyclist, climber....pretty much anything outdoors or athletic.
Coach: What has been your most memorable running / racing experience?
TH: I haven't been running too long so not too many memories yet.
Coach: What have you enjoyed about working with Focus-N-Fly?
TH: Well so far any questions I've had are very promptly answered, there are extensive drills and exercises on video. And, I've only just joined and I'm already runner of the month. What an honor!
Coach: What is one part of your racing routine you can’t do without (sleep, pre race meal, tie shoes certain way, other ritual)?
TH: I'm sure I'll have something crazy that I'll do. I'm a pretty superstitious guy, but I've yet to be in a race. It'll probably be what I wear that will make the difference to me.
Coach: What is your favorite place to go for a run?
TH: I love running in the woods. I feel alone out there and it's a great escape from the same old roads and tracks out there. It makes for a really great run.
Coach: In the next year, what goals do you hope to accomplish?
TH: In a year I hope to be running the Seattle half-marathon. I hope to lose a lot more weight and be in the best shape of my life. And I hope I can do it all through Focus-N-Fly.