Runner of the Month – January 2012
A Monroe, Louisiana native, Yocum lives in Seattle, where he works in Everett for the Labinal Company, a contractor for Boeing. Yocum spends his days doing statistical analysis for electrical wiring on the new 787 aircraft, and his off hours finishing his PhD in Public Policy from Walden University. In late 2010, Yocum found himself considering gastric bypass surgery to address his 440 pound weight. He decided to begin exercising instead, joining Focus-N-Fly in January of 2011 to train for the Amica Insurance Seattle Half Marathon. Now down to 210 pounds and counting, Yocum has an ambitious 2012 schedule ahead.
FNF: How did you start running?
TY: Last October, I was going to get gastric bypass, but decided to do it on my own, walking and running. I started FNF in January 2011, and I've gone from 440 to 210. I have done fifteen 5Ks, two 10Ks, one 12k, and one half marathon. I have also become a big Cross-Fitter at Cross Fit Belltown in Seattle. I have an amazing support group there; it is really cool.
FNF: Who is your running role model?
TY: My mother. She's seen me fat, she's seen me thin, and she's proud of me as a runner because she knows I'll be here for a long time now. I was on high blood pressure medicine and others, and now am off all my medications. I’ve gone from a size 68 to 34. I’m running the New Orleans [Mardi Gras] Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon with her in February.
FNF: What has been your most memorable running / racing experience?
TY: Finishing the half. It was my ultimate goal this year and I did it. I almost was in tears, crossing that finish line, thinking it was like you see on television…but it also made me want to go further.
FNF: What have you enjoyed about working with Focus-N-Fly?
TY: I like that it breaks down the workouts so I don't have to think about it! I like that it gives me the paces I need to go by, and that it allows me to adjust the schedule, and to build in all the races. This week, I'm going to put in all my 2012 races so I can get my training schedule all set up for next year.
FNF: What is one part of your racing routine you can’t do without (sleep, pre race meal, tie shoes certain way, other ritual)?
TY: When I'm running through the finish or see the finish, I always put Katy Perry singing Firework on my iphone, and I sing it. I sing throughout the race, and I belt it out.
FNF: What is your favorite place to go for a run?
TY: My waterfront loop in Seattle, basically 4th to union, to the water, and back up.
FNF: In the next year, what goals do you hope to accomplish?
Three half marathons and three full marathons. New Orleans Rock 'n' Roll, Seattle and Portland Rock ‘n’ Rolls, the Heroes Half in Seattle, the Kirkland Half, and the Victoria [BC, Canada] Half. I want one of those shirts that say “Marathon Maniac!”