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Whether you intend to run a local 5K or target a half marathon, race day strategies are important to optimize your performance and make the most of your experience. This blog shares tips that will help you prepare for seamless execution on the big day.

Dress for the Weather Conditions

Stay informed about the weather forecast and cordinate your race day clothing accordingly. Dress in layers that can be easily shed if temperatures get warm. 

Arrive Early and Get Acquainted with the Course

Allocate enough time on race morning by arriving early. This allows you to manage pre-race nerves, use facilities, and acquaint yourself with the course. Take note of potential challenges.

Practice a Positive Mindset With Visualization

Mental toughness can be as important as physical preparation. Take a few moments before the race to envision your success. Picture yourself crossing the finish line accomplishing your goals. Have a positive mindset and reflect on all of the hard work and dedication you invested into your training.

Prioritize Hydration

Begin hydrating well before race day and continue sipping water leading up to the start. For longer races, consider carrying a small water bottle to the start line.

Prepare Your Nutrition Ahead of Time

In the days leading up to the event, stick to familiar, easily digestible foods and refrain from experimenting with new items. On race morning, opt for an easily digestible meal.

Execute Your Race Plan

One common challenge on race day is starting too aggressively. Start the race conservatively and gradually increase your pace as you settle into the run. Develop a pacing strategy with your coach and trust your training!

What are you up to?

Embracing the warmer Phoenix days before the frying pan season begins. Looking forward to seeing family in the spring and waiting to learn where my husband's residency program for med school will be in June.IMG_6035

What are you reading?

Tools of the Titans, Tim Ferris

Lessons in Chemistry, Bonnie Garmus

What are you listening to?

Audio Book: Tony Robbins- Awaken the Giant within and cringing at my Spotify 2023 throwbacks

What are your non-running goals for 2024?

I am working towards opening my own gym space with the goal of ultimately owning my own gym.

Ok, but what about running?

I am working on becoming faster! I’ve been in marathon mode for a long time so I’m excited to focus on some shorter races. First up Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10 mile and then a half marathon in May. Operation fast twitch.

Conquering Setbacks and Achieving PRs with Runcoach

Major milestone:

New 10K PR - 8:50 per mile!

What is the secret to your success?

Sticking to my training plan with Coach Cally is my secret to success. Even when work gets in the way or the workouts don't coincide with the time I have that day to run, I feel completely comfortable adjusting. With Cally's guidance, and this incredible training plan, I feel so supported and I am loving my journey!Jodi_Success

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it?

I suffered a foot fracture in December of 2022 which led to no running for almost 7 months. I listened to my body and biked, did the elliptical. The hardest part was staying away from running during that time. Patience, and listening to my body, and once cleared, getting back into things slowly and consistently over the last year has led me back to just about my regular race pace. Runcoach and Coach Cally are definitely a big part of my journey!

What is the most rewarding part of training?

The most rewarding part of training is how great it feels to accomplish continued improvement in my running. Equally important are the high fives and kudos from the trainers and especially Cally, and being able to run the NYC Marathon in 2023, while looking forward to running many of the NYRR races this year, including the United Airlines Half Marathon and TCS NYC Marathon with confidence in my ability due to my training program.

What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community?

I would tell other runners not to stress if they cannot complete a specific workout on the assigned day due to other engagements or lack of time. If you have 30 minutes and are assigned 60 minutes of running.. do the 30! Do what you can and if you cannot run a certain day for whatever reason, adjust your schedule and keep moving forward. Trust the process, and your coaches. They are always there for you to answer your questions. You got this!

Anything else you would like to share?

I am so grateful for Coach Cally and this training platform. The support I have received and the guidance and incredible workouts have immeasurably prepared me and made me a much stronger runner.

What feedback would you offer on the Runcoach experience?

I have nothing but positive feedback. I feel so grateful to be trained by my amazing Coach!

Written by Rosie Edwards.

We are runners. And for many of us (as runners), our mentality is to GO, GO, GO! We love to push the boundaries of what we think our bodies can do and live to test the waters in order to gain that extra 1%.

But have you ever stopped to think about how our bodies absorb all of the hard work that we put in?

Insert the HOLY GRAIL of training, REST.


You might notice the Runcoach schedule has a "6 day max" of run day assignments.  Why does every individual need at least one day off? Let's find out:

- Recovery: Training is a stimulus or stress which elicits a response. We stress our bodies through physical activity. It is within recovery that we see super compensation of fitness development through cellular adaptation, further capillarization in the leg muscles, and improved blood chemistry to move oxygen to our working muscles. 

- Injury prevention:
It’s no secret that running can be hard on the body. Many of us are road runners. We pound on the concrete in preparation for our next big opportunity to go fast. Our muscles, joints and bones need a break from this.

- Mental breaks: Sure, running is fun, and it can be a great stress reliever. However, a rigorous training program can be mentally challenging, too. A rest day helps to give you time to enjoy other hobbies and avoid burnout.

- Replenishing glycogen stores
: When training we use the glycogen in our muscles for energy and it can be a training regimen in itself to keep these stores topped off through adequate nutrition. A rest day provides you with a day to top off precious glycogen stores in preparation for your next big run.

So next time that you put your feet up, feel good about it. Rest is an invaluable part of your training too, after all.

Your activity contributions go a long way!

Movecoach understands employees move in all different ways. Below we've worked with your employer and the NHS to even the playing field, and give cyclists, yogis and walkers the same chance to earn wellness points for your movement.

*All points are rewarded on a monthly basis, based on the criteria below.

How to earn points by logging activity:

Per week = 20 points

  • Complete 3 workouts per week (yoga, cross train, classes)
  • Complete 3 mindfulness sessions
  • Cycle 75 miles (120 KM)
  • Step 21 miles (34 KM)
  • Run 21 miles (34 KM)
  • Walk 21 miles (34 KM)
  • Swim 5 miles (8 KM)

LinkedIn Movecoach Milestones = 100 - 500 points


Log a result from an organized RACE = 150 - 1000 points

  • <5K = 150 points
  • 10K-20K = 175 points
  • Half marathon (21.1K Distance) = 250 points
  • Marathon (42K distance)/ half ironman = 500 points
  • Ultra Marathon (50K Distance)/ Ironman = 1000 points


1) Can I earn more than 20 points per week and/or more than 125 points per week?

You can only earn points for one physical activity per week. This is a great time to consider mindfulness to bump up your points earnings. 

For example, if you workout more than 3x, cycle more than 75 miles, and meditate 3x all within a week, you've earned a total of 40 points per week. 20 points for logging 3 workouts and 20 points for meditating 3 times per week.

2) Can I earn 100 points for hitting the first running milestone and an additional 100 for hitting the first workouts milestone?

No, you can only earn points for one physical activity milestone at a time.

For example, if you step 100 miles you will receive 100 points and you will no longer be able to receive 100 points for any other activities such as running/swimming/etc.

What are you up to?

Right now, I remain focused on my life’s professional work = helping runners of all levels train right and reach their potential.  I’m super excited about some of the great enhancements at Runcoach we will introduce to our runners this year.

What are you reading?

Gabor Mate’s The Myth of Normal. Full disclosure I’m a terrible reader and usually put books down about 60% of the way through.  Dr. Mate’s book fascinates me.  I had no concept of inter-generational trauma and the impacts.  Further, it has practical advice on how to move forward and become inherently present.  Up until now I only had running:rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:coach_tom
What are you listening to?

I’m a lyrics junkie so I like to delve into the words.  Mostly I still listen to pop, rap and of course the classics.  Taylor Swift is probably my favorite and I’m fascinated by Kanye the artist and his stories.  Recently, I was reacquainted with my college favorite Abbey Road which I still believe is the best album ever.

What are your non-running goals for 2024?

I want to read more.  I’m excited for my last season of coaching the OLA middle school track program and want to pass the reigns to the new coaches who are terrific.  I will take my first European trip to Spain in March to visit my brother, sister-in-law and niece = can’t wait!

Ok, but what about running?

I’m just coming off a ski accident and subsequent concussion so just getting back into it.  Still I’m hopeful to run the KP Half Marathon on February 4 in San Francisco.  I have a special athlete I’m hoping to pace to her first half marathon finish (you may here more about that in the future).

Fueling for your First Marathonhydrate

So you're up for a big marathon and have been checking all the boxes. You are logging tons of miles, nailing all your workouts, and even have your race day kit and shoes picked out weeks in advance. But, have you considered your marathon fueling strategy yet?

One of the most commonly overlooked aspects of marathon racing, is mid-race fueling.  You body will endure a great deal of stress and will require carbohydrates and fluids to stay strong all the way to the finish line. The chances of hitting that "wall" are much less if you have been getting in a steady stream of calories and fluids throughout the race- But where should you begin?

Research shows that the body is able to process 40-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour during exercise. While it would be fantastic for everyone to have their own personal bottles out on the course, just like the elites, this is not possible. So…what do instead? I recommend taking water every 5k, about 6-10 ounces, and a bit more if racing in hot conditions. A trick I learned is to squeeze the cups at the top to get the most out of each.  In addition to water, I recommend taking a gel every 5k as well.  Gels contain about 20 grams of carbohydrates and are easy to stash in shorts, sports bras, and pockets. Gels, combined with water, are a great option to help keep you hydrated and fueled all the way to the finish.

If the idea of taking gels is not appealing to you, I recommend checking out the race website to see what sport drink will be offered out on the course. You can purchase this ahead of time and practice using it during your long runs to make sure everything sits right. Which brings me to the most important aspect of mid-race fueling, practicing your strategy ahead of time.

It’s important to practice using gels and fluids during your long runs and workouts to make sure your stomach is able to tolerate the calories. Your body will get better and better at processing mid-run fuel so nailing down a strategy early on in your build up is key. Without practicing ahead of time, you run the risk of experiencing mid-race GI distress-something no runner wants to deal with!

So hit your local running store and give a few different gel brands/flavors a try to see which one you’ll want on race day. You can also pick up many commonly used sport drinks at these stores as well. Practice your fueling strategy early on in your build up and often, then go check that final box! Happy Running!

Updated by Cally Macumber 1.26.24

Breaking Barriers: Completing a Full Marathon - The interviewee reflects on a significant achievement.

Major milestone:

I finished my first full marathon in January 2024 thanks to the dedicated guidance from Runcoach and Coach Tom.

What is the secret to your success?

Mental resilience and running economy build up.Success_Story_January_

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it?

Inconsistent training. Training adjustments to reach sufficient aerobic fitness.

What is the most rewarding part of training?


What advice would you give to other members of the Runcoach community?

Dedicated and personalized coaching to personalize your running training experience. Hence, stay responsive and stick to the training plan.

Anything else you would like to share?

I appreciate Coach Tom's guidance and will be a lifetime mentee.

Runners love outdoor miles, but there are times when weather conditions may force you inside. During these moments, your training does not need to be derailed! Indoor workouts can be a powerful tool to enhance your running performance, offering a chance to focus on strength, flexibility, and cross-training. Explore the following variety of indoor workouts, ensuring you stay on track with your goals:

  1. Yoga is an awesome complement to running. It helps improve balance, flexibility, and mental toughness. You can incorporate yoga to improve your range of motion, enhance flexibility, and prevent injuries. Poses like Downward Dog, Warrior series, and Pigeon pose target areas commonly stressed during running. Dedicate a few sessions a week to yoga to enjoy its full benefits. Tune in here for a great workout!

  1. Strength training helps prevent injuries and improves running efficiency. Focus on exercises that target major muscle groups, including squats, lunges, deadlifts, and core. Incorporating resistance training with weights or bands can improve strength and stability, contributing to better performance on the road.  We recommend this workout (which requires no weights or equipment) 2 times a week! 

  1. Treadmill workouts become a valuable asset when weather conditions make outdoor running challenging. Mimic your scheduled workout on the treadmill, but place it at 1% incline and use this chart to adjust your paces.

  1. Plyometric exercises focus on explosive movements to enhance your power and agility. Plyometrics engage fast-twitch muscle fibers, important for running fast. For example, these exercises can be done in a basement or garage! Include plyometrics into your routine and take your running performance to new heights.

  1. Indoor cycling or Swimming are great ways to build cardiovascular fitness without the impact on your joints. Whether you use a stationary bike, join a virtual cycling class, or swim in the pool, these low-impact workouts allow you to maintain or improve your aerobic fitness. We suggest biking 3 miles for every 1 mile run prescribed within your plan, or swimming for equal time to run time.

Whether you're facing difficult weather conditions or simply seeking a change in routine, these indoor workouts will keep you engaged and motivated on your journey to becoming a more resilient runner.

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