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Gail Johnson
Fitness Instructor and AFAA/NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Blue Star Resort & Golf
In the spotlight: Shea Companies

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Favorite fitness activity: Definitely bicycling. I ride close to 150 miles per week and love every minute of each of my rides. The best ride is always the one I’m on. I love Spinning classes because they are great for endurance and are also a form of cycling. I also do weight training and stretching so I mix it up a bit.

What is the secret to your success? Passion for the sport I love, and my friends.  You have to find something that you love to do whether it is cycling, running, swimming, tennis, hiking, walking, fitness classes or whatever gets you excited. Cycling is my passion and when I ride I am doing what I love.  Just going out to my garage and looking at my bike makes me smile and long for yet another ride.  I also belong to a bicycle club with ongoing scheduled rides. I ride with all my friends and so each of us counts on the other to show up. We take turns leading, chat along the way and even race each other a bit. It is all about fun and stopping for a cup of coffee - those conversations keep us all connected.

I ride at least 3 to 4 charitable events a year and have spent vacation weeks riding my bicycle. During the last 12 months I was lucky to be able to ride three tours with friends in Canada, Switzerland and New Zealand. Wow! I have to stay in shape and keep up my training in order to do these rides, so it motivates me to keep riding.

What is the biggest challenge to moving more? Getting out of bed and getting going. It is too easy to roll over and go back to sleep. But if I missed a ride just to sleep in I would be unhappy the entire rest of the day.   I don’t do that very often unless of course, it is really raining or very windy (I hate the wind!). Besides that, my friends are waiting at the corner for me!

What is the most rewarding part of participating in a movecoach Challenge? I am a bit competitive so I really am enjoying this challenge. I love it that every time I turn on my Garmin for a ride that the data automatically transfers to movecoach. Up until the past few months I haven’t tracked most of my steps or walks, but I just got a Garmin watch in the past few weeks and so I guess that will upload in the future. I love how it is so easy to add activities, such as my weight training and spinning miles.

I also like seeing what others are doing and giving the “High Five” to other employees that are on my BlueStar team. I’m also impressed with folks that really kick it up achieving goals.

What advice would you give others who are struggling to move more? First, get out of bed and decide today is the day. Then set an achievable goal and work to get there. You don't need to do a marathon to set a goal. A goal can be as simple as just taking your first class or walking two miles. Whatever you choose it has to be achievable. Don’t be afraid to go to a class - t most people really don’t care how good you are. A good instructor will help to modify exercises to individual abilities and limitations.

There are also lots of charitable organizations that need help and they offer fundraising events for all levels of participants all over the country. You don’t have to be the fastest or even go the farthest. These events usually have lots of options. Finding one and training for it makes it a goal with a deadline. What could be better than riding 35 miles one year and the 65 miler the next - talk about an accomplishment! Both the participant and the charity wins.

Most important to me is being part of a group because the support and the friends are invaluable. Both my bicycle club and exercise classes count on me to show up. We share information about equipment, gear and even pictures of our kids.

I think it helps to try a lot of different activities to find your favorite. Over the years, I have tried both swimming and hiking. While I liked them both and did well with them, they just didn't ignite the passion and excitement that I get from bicycling. Not only can I do something fun while exercising but I can actually go somewhere!

Share your movecoach success story here!

Click here to join the Shea Moves 750,000-Mile Challenge 

Download movecoach moves Shea app for 
iPhone or Android.

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Corie Smith

Favorite sport: Marathon 

cs_rss_amb2Major milestone: Reduced per-minute pace and injury rate!

What is the secret to your success? Runcoach, cross training and proper fueling. I've also weaved in Shaklee Pure Performance supplements to help build core nutrition!

What is the biggest obstacle to reaching your goals and how do you get over it? Available time seems to be my biggest struggle. Runcoach has given me a longterm view of training schedule and even helped move schedules around to meet family and work demands.

What is the most rewarding part of training? For sure it's exceeding my target pace for the duration of the run!

What advice would you give to other members of the runcoach community? What and how you fuel is just as critical as sticking to the schedule! Consistency is the key to success!  After running 2 marathons with programs I found online, I was introduced to runcoach via Marine Corp Marathon. Training with the runcoach app, the community of runners and coaches was the accountability I needed to stay motivated through the many months of training. I knew at that point I would always train for marathons using runcoach!

In the Spotlight: Genentech

David Tsaidavid tsai_ab
Country Study Specialist
Country Clinical Operations (CCO)
PD Clinical Operations (PDG)

Favorite Fitness Activity:
Running with colleagues on the bay trail. 

What's the most rewarding part of participating in the Genentech 500,000-Mile Challenge? MoveCoach moves me to get up the leaderboard and helps me keep track of training!

What's the biggest obstacle to moving more, and how do you get over it?
I think mentally it's difficult to get out of work mode and go for a run or work out. But having friends and colleagues that keep me accountable (and not wanting to delay them or make them wait for me when we agreed upon a designated time) is what really helps me overcome mentally not wanting to work out.

What advice would you give to your fellow Challengers? Keep up the good work, living longer and being healthier and creating a better change for yourself! 

Share your movecoach success story here!

Click here to join the Genentech 500,000-Mile Challenge

Download movecoach moves Genentech for iPhone or Android.

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Jason Gordon

Favorite Sport: runningjasongordon_ab2

Major milestone: Since my first marathon 5 years ago, I've taken nearly 60 minutes off my finish time. The first time, I crashed and burned to a 4:15 finish. Last fall, I ran 3:23. I wouldn't have thought it was possible for a 45-year old. Conventional wisdom seems to dictate that middle age is when we should ease off of the throttle. I feel like I still have room for improvement. I look forward to seeing who is right.

What’s the secret to your success? Consistency and drive. As cliche as it sounds " just beat yesterday" is always my mindset. Run everyday your supposed to, know your limitations, and work hard to achieve the goals you set.

What’s the biggest obstacle and how do you get over it? Injuries are the biggest obstacle I face. Every training cycle I've completed has taught me something about what I shouldn't do.

What’s the most rewarding part of your training? It's hard to say that achieving a new PR takes a backseat to anything else, but since races are few and far between, I get the most positive feedback from long threshold efforts.

What advice would you give to other members of the runcoach community? Trust the training. Do the work exactly as it is assigned and you will see the benefits within a few weeks. Enjoy the process as much as possible. The long hard training session will wear you down either way. Embrace it, you've earned it. Besides, a rest day is right around the corner. The Runcoach process will make you a stronger runner, period.

Have a running story to share? Click here for details.  

In the spotlight: Shea Companies

Howard Ballardhballardab
Assistant Supervisor

Favorite fitness activity:
 taking long walks

What’s the secret to your success? After starting movecoach I found that if I don't get at least 5 miles in a day I feel like I missed my own personal goal I set for myself.

What is the biggest obstacle to moving more, and how do you get over it? Where I live, the weather is a big factor in getting out to walk. So when the weather is nice I get out there and go. Also watching other people move helps me keep going.

What is the most rewarding part of the Shea Moves 750,000-Mile Challenge? When there was a company-wide challenge to move 50 miles in 13 days, I pushed myself to see how fast I could do just that. I walked 15 miles in one day. We have a lot of fun at work see how many steps we all get each day, we push each other to get more steps.  I even walk back and forth at the light-rail station while I’m waiting for the train.  I get about 1.5 miles that way!

Share your movecoach success story here!

Click here to join the Shea Moves 750,000-Mile Challenge

Download movecoach moves Shea app for iPhone or Android.

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In the Spotlight: Jazz Pharmaceuticals

monmartinesMonica Martines
R&D Operations Excellence Manager

Favorite fitness activity: spin class

Incredible comeback: In 2011, I was 10 days out from the Seattle Marathon, my 10th, where I was hoping to shave 2 minutes off my PR to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I had just completed my last 10- mile run. I was on the phone, distracted for a split second and fell down a flight of stairs. I broke my fibula in the places and my foot was dislocated from my ankle. It was one of the worst breaks the ER doctor ever saw.  Once released from the hospital I started physical therapy. I had a wonderful physical therapist and a trainer who helped me to use crutches, learn how to walk, and slowly get back to my regular self.  Although they told me running career was over and I was devastated about that, I knew my body was taking a beating from the 160 and more miles I logged every month.  My orthopedist kept telling me that I MUST stop running and heal my body.

The accident was the end of a great running career. But then I rediscovered cycling,  which I had given up decades ago when I became addicted to long-distance running. Cycling made me feel whole again. Swimming helps too but the permanent titanium plate and 10 screws in my ankle cramps up quite a bit when I’m in the water.

What’s the secret to your success? Being VERY disciplined by planning my day to include working out, eating well, and getting rest. I prep my nutrition needs the day before for my next day's activities.

What’s the biggest obstacle to moving more and how do you get over it? My work schedule can be very hectic and sometimes I have to rearrange my daily morning workout to later in the day or defer it to another day. Even a quick 15-minute walk or climbing stairs at my office is better than nothing.

What’s the most rewarding part of the Challenge? Getting high fives from my colleagues from all over the world is a lot of fun. I really enjoy updating my training on a daily basis and seeing my and my colleague's achievements. I love getting the kudos and the recognition.

What advice would you give to your fellow challengers? Plan to succeed and you will. Don't sweat the small stuff and get right back into the program if every goal is not attained. Get a routine so that good habits are formed. Don't harp on getting sidelined. Be patient, add variety to your daily routine, and try joining a group. Having a great social bond with others is so much fun.

Join the Challenge, and help Jazz Pharmaceuticals Move 100,000 Miles!

Download the App for iOS or Android



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In the Spotlight: LinkedIn
Sam Parker
Partner Account Director

samparker_resizeFavorite fitness activity: Sailing 

What’s the secret to your success? You have to be passionate about what you do in sport, work, life, love - everything! Work is a big time commitment. Luckily where I work is brilliant at encouraging exercise and movement. From a state-of-the-art wellness programme to motorised desks so you can stand up and work.

What’s the biggest reward of participating in the Challenge? Feeling more energetic during the working day whilst feeling better prepared for a weekend of sport on the water.

(Parker above, with his wife, racing their RS400 in Lake Garda, Italy. Photo Credit: Paul Wyeth)

What’s the biggest obstacle to moving more and how do you get over it?
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. Get into a routine as quickly as possible and no matter how short the duration of each commitment. What matters is that you're building up a base of regular exercise - which is key.

What advice would you give to your fellow challengers? It MUST be fun. If you don't like doing it then you will not keep going. I have just started doing a circuit with a colleague so now the responsibility is on the both of us which means we are much less likely to drop out.

Share your movecoach success story here!

Click here to join the Challenge, and help LinkedIn move 1 Million Miles! 

Download Challenge App for iPhone or Android.

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Julia Neilson

julianeilson_cropped_resizedFavorite Sport:  Running

Major milestone: After 4 years of running, I have a half-marathon PR of 1:36:10, and a 10-K PR of 42:25. But I'm not done here!

What's the secret to your success? Consistency! And big dreams :-)

What is the biggest obstacle  and how do you get over it? When an injury hits, patience proves to be a virtue. Rest, sleep, good food, water, cross training, strength and core work and deep tissue massages help as well. 

What is the most rewarding part of your training? The joy of racing well.

What advice would you give to other members of the runcoach community?  Stick to your plan! Trust your plan but also listen to your body whilst keeping your long term goals in mind. It's better to go easy and rest than pushing those shin splints through a hard workout. Keep your easy days easy so you can run your hard days hard.

Follow Julia's running adventures on her blog,  On Twitter and Instagram: @GetKarmly. 

Have a running story to share? Click here for details. 

In the Spotlight:  Visa

thumbnail_jpmc cc sf 2016Celia Tang

Favorite Fitness Activity:   Running

What is the secret to your success? Signing up for races and telling key people about them keeps me motivated to train regularly.

 What is the biggest obstacle to moving more and how do you get over it?  Having a desk job.  I set a regular reminder on my calendar to stand up and take quick walks down the hallway.

What's the biggest reward of the  Visa Moves 300,000 Miles Challenge? Your body feels younger and stronger!

What advice would you have for your fellow challengers? Get coaching if you need extra help to meet a stretch goal. Sign up for some fun races for motivation, find someone to walk or run with for accountability, and put it on your calendar so that it’s a priority! Use the app daily to track your progress and get daily coaching! 

Share your movecoach success story here!

Click here to join the Visa Moves 300,000 Miles Challenge

Download movecoach moves Visa for iPhone or Android.

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