Dena Evans joined runcoach in July, 2008 and has a wide range of experience working with athletes of all stripes- from youth to veteran division competitors, novice to international caliber athletes.
From 1999-2005, she served on the Stanford Track & Field/ Cross Country staff. Dena earned NCAA Women’s Cross Country Coach of the Year honors in 2003 as Stanford won the NCAA Division I Championship. She was named Pac-10 Cross Country Coach of the Year in 2003-04, and West Regional Coach of the Year in 2004.
From 2006-08, she worked with the Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative, helping to expand the after school fitness programs for elementary school aged girls to Mountain View, East Menlo Park, and Redwood City. She has also served both the Stanford Center on Ethics and the Stanford Center on the Legal Profession as a program coordinator.
Dena graduated from Stanford in 1996.
Personal Best - January 2012
January is a time to set new goals. Runners of every age and experience level often seek ways to improve performance and results outside of the time spent out on the roads. As coaches, we are often asked if weight training, yoga, cross training, or other gym-based activities will assist an athlete toward their running goals. This month in Personal Best, we consider the question with a few guidelines and tips.
Why not just run?
Certainly, the best way to improve your running is to run; however, moving your body in different ways can address various weaknesses that have built over time due to the repetitive nature of running. In addition, ancillary activities can help put the finishing touches on the fitness gains from a workout regimen begun in search of weight loss or aesthetic goals.
It all starts with the core....
If time and resources are limited, there are a number if ways to help your running with some simple core work. Exercising the core helps strengthen the area from your chest to your hip flexors, allowing you to maintain good form and posture when at the end of a race. Your core stabilizes you not only when you're tired, but helps center your running form even when fresh, assisting in the achievement of good posture and range of motion in your stride. We discussed the importance of one of these muscles, the transverse abdominis, in a previous column, along with a few easy and simple exercises to address it when you can steal a few minutes on the carpet after coming in from a run.
If you enjoy the social nature of classes they are a great way to stay on track with your core strength objectives. In addition to stabilization, a strong core, and good spinal / pelvic alignment can help you maximize efforts spent on strengthening other muscle groups, another reason why it is a good place to start.
Flexibility is your friend
Activities like Yoga and Pilates are also tools used by many runners to help increase flexibility and strength when muscles are extended. Greater flexibility can be a huge asset in the effort to stave off injuries, so if that is a big goal for 2012, these might be good options for activities to incorporate into your regimen.
Boost your metabolism and body composition
Along with general weight training, some of the latest trends in fitness include CrossFit, P90X, TRX, and a myriad of home and gym-based programs to challenge your body in a multi-directional, muscle-strengthening fashion. Some of these also include a cardio component, and many of them build upper body fitness, demand lateral movement, and require more ballistic activities than a normal running routine.
These high intensity activities can complement your training by adding a new dimension of athleticism increasing your power. However, anything along these lines should be carefully taken into account – some body composition changes are helpful, some are not, and anything that compromises your running by creating too much and untimely fatigue, may be more detrimental than it is worth. Any of these activities are best safely incorporated with the help of a fitness professional at your local facility.
Ease strain on joints and muscles
Every runner occasionally requires a time of recovery or the need for a day or two of cross training. Others enjoy incorporating spin classes, swimming, elliptical, or even a fitness activity such as Zumba into their regular routine. If you are looking for a way to integrate in an additional day of cardiovascular exercise, but are concerned about the strain on joints and ligaments, one of these low or non-impact activities could be just the ticket to keep you headed in the right direction.
In short….the bottom line
Cross training and multi-dimensional movements can be beneficial for distance runners. Consider some of the disciplines below to have an even better and more balanced 2012.
Core strength exercised, Yoga, Pilates: At home, with an instructor, or in a class setting. These primarily address needs for flexibility, core strength, and spinal / pelvic alignment. Low / no impact, more meditative.
Want to try a home-based core workout? Check out Focus-N-Fly’s favorite whole body workout here:
Weight / circuit training, CrossFit, P90X, TRX, etc: At home, with an instructor, or in a class setting. These require more dynamic, powerful movements, perhaps with greater intensity and resultant muscle development. For those who enjoy an up-tempo addition to their week, and who are looking to add more power / speed.
Indoor cycling, elliptical, Zumba, swimming: At home, with an instructor, or in a class setting. These activities can increase cardiovascular training time with minimal strain on joints and bones. Could be used for variety or as a prelude to including an additional day of running into the schedule.
Focus-N-Fly Plyomterics and Warm-up Drills: These can be run on a track, road, sidewalk, path or grass. Even if you do not have time for an additional training session or two, these can be efficiently integrated into your already scheduled running to help strengthen your core and provide greater range of motion.
Questions about the above? Email us at info@focusnfly or tweet us a question to @focusnfly.
Pro’s Perspective - January 2012
Abdi Abdirahman finished tenth and fifteenth in his first two Olympic Games (2000 and 2004) in the 10,000 meters, and won the 2008 US Olympic Trials at that distance. The 1995 Tucson High grad initially attended Pima College, before transferring to the University of Arizona for his junior and senior years. In fact, he continues to train in Tucson with his college coach, Dave Murray, picking up the light-hearted nickname Black Cactus along the way. Injury setbacks in 2010 have kept Abdirahman under the radar heading into the 2012 Olympic Marathon Trials on January 14th. However, he is now training well and has an outstanding marathon personal best of 2:08. Abdi took a moment to chat with FNF as he prepares to challenge for his fourth straight Olympic team.
FNF: Is training going well for the Olympic Trials in Houston?
AA: Training is going wonderfully. I’m enjoying running again, after struggling with injuries for the last couple years.
FNF: How has it been coming back after such a tough stretch?
AA: Well, in 2010 I had a hip injury. It was a stress reaction in the femur, and I took basically 6 months of no running. With no world championships that year, it was a great time to take a step back from running and let it heal. I did a lot of rehab and strengthening – I got back to basics.
FNF: What were some of the things you did with your time while healing your hip? What kinds of things are you interested in pursuing once your professional career has concluded?
AA: I want to start my foundation and work with kids. Also, one of my friends started a company, Solar for Africa. He has the idea of providing it to rural villages. It could help a lot. Kids could go to night classes.
I don’t only want to help Somalia [Abdirahman immigrated to the US from Somalia as a youngster], but all the third world countries that are the poorest.
FNF: As fans preparing to watch the upcoming marathon trials, what should we be looking for in the men’s race?
AA: It is going to be a great Trials with a lot of great people running: Ryan Hall, Meb [Keflezighi, 2004 Olympic Silver Medalist], Dathan [Ritzenhein, 9th place finisher in Beijing], and a lot of other great guys who are running.
I haven’t run a marathon since 2009, in New York, but my training has been going well, almost as well as when I ran 2:08 in Chicago. There are only three spots; you are only running to be top three, and if you win it is a bonus. The marathon is all about patience. You can be in the best shape of your life, but everything has to go well that day. I hope everyone has a good race, and may the three best men make the team.
FNF: Do you love the marathon? Will we see you on the track this spring and summer?
AA: I love track. Marathons are fun to train for, but I think I enjoy track more. It is more speed, more all out. You can control the outcome of the track, but not the outcome of the marathon. In the marathon, you can be in the best shape, but something else can go wrong. On the track you can be pretty much 90% you will run around what you are ready to run.
FNF: What are your goals for the upcoming year?
AA: I enjoy running. I look forward to training. Right now, I realize the key to success is staying healthy. If you are pain free, you can enjoy your training.
I want to make this Olympic team, and I always look forward. I am approaching this race like I have never been to the Olympics.
FNF: You have been in Tucson around 15 years. How has the community supported you in your career?
AA: The community has been a big part of my success. They say there is no place like home. I ran well under Coach Murray at Arizona. I had opportunities to go to other groups, but I feel more comfortable here. I have access to the facilities, I just feel like it is my comfort zone. A lot of people say in order to accomplish something, you have to get out of your comfort zone, but that is not for me, I think you need to feel comfortable where you are.
People have been supportive of me since day one and have provided me everything I need. I enjoy spending time with the Boys and Girls Club, getting a chance to say thank you for your support.
FNF: What is some advice you have for our recreational runners headed toward their own big race in Houston?
AA: Enjoy the moment. Enjoy that you have done all the hard work, you have done your long runs. It is time to reward your hard work and enjoy it. Run your own race, not your training partner’s or someone else’s pace.
Runner of the Month – January 2012
A Monroe, Louisiana native, Yocum lives in Seattle, where he works in Everett for the Labinal Company, a contractor for Boeing. Yocum spends his days doing statistical analysis for electrical wiring on the new 787 aircraft, and his off hours finishing his PhD in Public Policy from Walden University. In late 2010, Yocum found himself considering gastric bypass surgery to address his 440 pound weight. He decided to begin exercising instead, joining Focus-N-Fly in January of 2011 to train for the Amica Insurance Seattle Half Marathon. Now down to 210 pounds and counting, Yocum has an ambitious 2012 schedule ahead.
FNF: How did you start running?
TY: Last October, I was going to get gastric bypass, but decided to do it on my own, walking and running. I started FNF in January 2011, and I've gone from 440 to 210. I have done fifteen 5Ks, two 10Ks, one 12k, and one half marathon. I have also become a big Cross-Fitter at Cross Fit Belltown in Seattle. I have an amazing support group there; it is really cool.
FNF: Who is your running role model?
TY: My mother. She's seen me fat, she's seen me thin, and she's proud of me as a runner because she knows I'll be here for a long time now. I was on high blood pressure medicine and others, and now am off all my medications. I’ve gone from a size 68 to 34. I’m running the New Orleans [Mardi Gras] Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon with her in February.
FNF: What has been your most memorable running / racing experience?
TY: Finishing the half. It was my ultimate goal this year and I did it. I almost was in tears, crossing that finish line, thinking it was like you see on television…but it also made me want to go further.
FNF: What have you enjoyed about working with Focus-N-Fly?
TY: I like that it breaks down the workouts so I don't have to think about it! I like that it gives me the paces I need to go by, and that it allows me to adjust the schedule, and to build in all the races. This week, I'm going to put in all my 2012 races so I can get my training schedule all set up for next year.
FNF: What is one part of your racing routine you can’t do without (sleep, pre race meal, tie shoes certain way, other ritual)?
TY: When I'm running through the finish or see the finish, I always put Katy Perry singing Firework on my iphone, and I sing it. I sing throughout the race, and I belt it out.
FNF: What is your favorite place to go for a run?
TY: My waterfront loop in Seattle, basically 4th to union, to the water, and back up.
FNF: In the next year, what goals do you hope to accomplish?
Three half marathons and three full marathons. New Orleans Rock 'n' Roll, Seattle and Portland Rock ‘n’ Rolls, the Heroes Half in Seattle, the Kirkland Half, and the Victoria [BC, Canada] Half. I want one of those shirts that say “Marathon Maniac!”
Runner of the Month - December 2011
Originally born and raised in England, Margaret is a 62 year-old mom who started running at age 59. She had been pretty healthy, but her sons, one of whom ran in college, encouraged her to start running. Margaret has been a family practice Physician’s Assistant for 20 years, with a very busy practice working primarily with the homeless and the uninsured. After meeting and marrying an American, the Allen family settled in Northern California, where she still resides.
Recently, Margaret enjoyed a breakthrough race at the BUPA Great South Run 10 Miler in Portsmouth, England.
FNF: How did you start running?
MA: My mom suffered some debilitating arthritis and back problems. As I was about to turn 60, I thought, “Wow, I should be doing some exercise.” I don’t like ball games, because I can’t see well enough. I don’t like team games, because I don’t much like winning and losing, and I don’t like swimming, because I grew up swimming in the sea, which I loved [and cannot do often]. My son got me going, and has really continued to encourage me.
FNF: Who is your running role model?
MA: Well, Paula Radcliffe is actually a friend and stayed with us after having some surgery in the area. I sometimes run at Rancho San Antonio [park In Mountain View, California]. But as for a real role model…I learned a lot from both of my kids, but Tom especially. I watched my kids grow up and be really athletic. Tom and his [running] friends would stay here and it was very inspiring.
FNF: What has been your most memorable running / racing experience?
MA: Competing in the Great South Run was something I had always wanted to do, and I signed up for it a year ahead. I figured I‘m not getting any younger, so if I’m going to do it, I better do it now! It was the most exhilarating and fun experience I have ever had. I had done a 10K a few weeks earlier and literally came in last. I had felt so bad, so I was a bit scared of the Great South Run.
FNF: What have you enjoyed about working with Focus-N-Fly?
MA: Kate has been terrific; she is great about answering my questions. I like the training log, although sometime I cheat and put it in on the next day. It does push me, and I can see the mileage I am supposed to accomplish, which is very helpful. I credit FNF with helping me improve my speed and stamina. It never occurred to me to switch it up, I would run the same old run every day.
FNF: What is one part of your racing routine you can’t do without (sleep, pre race meal, tie shoes certain way, other ritual)?
MA: I do like to register before. I don’t like race day registration; I do like to figure out what I am going to wear. The biggest challenge is figuring out what I am going to wear while waiting for the race to start. I have a little cache of used sweatshirts… I really don’t approve of the plastic bag thing!
FNF: What is your favorite place to go for a run?
MA: I do like going up to Rancho San Antonio. I do like running around Stanford campus. It is really beautiful, parts of it, I run around Lake Lag.
FNF: In the next year, what goals do you hope to accomplish?
MA: if I can keep up this level of fitness, I’ll be very happy. I’d like to aim for a half marathon in the next year or two.
Although we earn a small reprieve from the early morning darkness with next month's time change, many runners are just settling in for a long winter of running in the dark. Whether you rise early to beat the rush before the workday begins and the kids wake up, or fit in a run at the end of the day, nighttime running is a fact of life for many athletes. Here are a few tips for staying safe and maximizing these workouts until the sun reappears.
Avoid risk-taking
While running the same route again and again might seem unappealing, or stopping your awesome tempo run briefly to make sure a passing car sees you, it is always worth it. Stick to routes where lighting can help provide safety and mark your path, even if that means doing multiple loops around a few block radius. Head to a local track and run while kids are playing soccer or lacrosse under the lights in the evening. Put off exploration of that new trail until the weekend when you can run in the daylight. Set aside the headphones so that you can be alert to your surroundings (yes, you can do it).
Choose routes for the presence of sidewalks away from the roadway. Consider places of business where early morning activity takes place in a typically safe manner, such as a gas station, bagel shop, or Starbucks and include them on your run. Check for daily sunrise and sunset times so you can safely estimate when you will need to be in spots that are safe for those times of day. In short, give yourself at least one more measure of safety precautions than you would ordinarily take. That may mean boredom and repetition, but is always better than not being able to run at all or risking adverse events
See and be seen
Many running apparel companies and specialty brands have introduced reflective clothing and devices to help runners stay safe in the dark. Sometimes we focus on being visible to cars and others by wearing reflective gear, and other times we focus on keeping our path lit with headlamps and other illuminating devices. In reality, both are important at all times. A hard fall because of an unseen root or sidewalk crack is dangerous, and of course it is crucial to be visible to vehicular traffic. It isn’t always possible to be completely visible in the dark, but taking care to be seen and to seeing where your feet will travel can be a crucial safety precaution.
Keep others in the loop
Whether you live with others in your household or reside independently, leave a note, a text, or other word where you plan to go every time. If you encounter any trouble on an evening run, it may be until daylight before anyone is aware of your extended absence or be able to see you in distress alongside a road. Particularly if doing something strenuous or extended, such as a long run for a marathon training cycle, estimating a time of return can help ease the mind of others who aren’t used to the length of these runs, as well as determine when you are indeed overdue. Whenever possible, try to meet others for nighttime runs. Both as a safety measure and as added encouragement when the winter is at its darkest and coldest point, a partner or group willing to meet you at a nighttime hour can make all the difference.
Be creative
Roads and outdoor tracks may not be the only venues for getting in runs. Enclosed walkways, indoor public spaces, the perimeter of a well-lit parking lot, and even a circuit of long hallways in winter-affected cities might provide occasional safe locations for runs when things are truly awful and dark. Consider a short-term gym membership, even if just to break up the workout by running there, doing some miles on the treadmill, and running home. If winter is really getting the best of you, consider sampling some indoor cross training disciplines you have been waiting to try, or investigate the possibility of all-comers indoor track meets in your community as a way to get in a good hard effort inside.
While nighttime running may not be pleasant for many, runners across the country and around the world have thrived with a schedule comprised primarily of workout times before dawn or after dusk. The good news is that sunlight is likely around the corner as spring returns, and the challenge of darkness is an opportunity to exercise the type of commitment and persistence that will serve you well when faced with a rough patch in your next goal race. Embrace the challenge, stay safe, and keep up the good work.
Coach: How did you start running?
TH: I was gaining weight and needed a sport to keep me in shape. I used to be athletic, but wanted to find something that was low contact. Running was the perfect solution, so I decided to do the Seattle marathon 5K.
Coach: Who is your running role model?
TH: Mike Gouin, he isn't famous by any means, just a guy I work with. He's a runner, bicyclist, climber....pretty much anything outdoors or athletic.
Coach: What has been your most memorable running / racing experience?
TH: I haven't been running too long so not too many memories yet.
Coach: What have you enjoyed about working with Focus-N-Fly?
TH: Well so far any questions I've had are very promptly answered, there are extensive drills and exercises on video. And, I've only just joined and I'm already runner of the month. What an honor!
Coach: What is one part of your racing routine you can’t do without (sleep, pre race meal, tie shoes certain way, other ritual)?
TH: I'm sure I'll have something crazy that I'll do. I'm a pretty superstitious guy, but I've yet to be in a race. It'll probably be what I wear that will make the difference to me.
Coach: What is your favorite place to go for a run?
TH: I love running in the woods. I feel alone out there and it's a great escape from the same old roads and tracks out there. It makes for a really great run.
Coach: In the next year, what goals do you hope to accomplish?
TH: In a year I hope to be running the Seattle half-marathon. I hope to lose a lot more weight and be in the best shape of my life. And I hope I can do it all through Focus-N-Fly.
Nahir Dedmon
Runner of the Month - October 2011
Nahir Dedmon is originally from Venezuela, although she has lived in Houston for 10 years. She has three kids: an 18 year old boy, a 10 year old boy, and a 16 year old girl at Cypress Creek High School. Nahir works for Abasco, a manufacturer of oil boom for spills, such as the Gulf of Mexico spill last year. Currently, she is training for the Aramco Houston Half Marathon, which she believes will be her 30th distance race!
FNF: How did you start running?
ND: When my daughter was in first grade. I liked to run as a teenager in Venezuela, but quit and went to the gym. In second grade, my daughter showed interest in doing a track club. I would sit in the bleachers, and it was pretty boring. I started running 2-3 laps during practice, and one day a lady suggested I run a 5k. It took me 45 minutes, and now my best time is 29 minutes. I got hooked and did a few marathons before I got an injury that put me out for a while. Now, I have close to 30 races in total since 2005. It is part of my life. Like I tell my kids and my husband, it is the only thing I do for myself. I get up four times per week at 4am and go for a run with the foxes and possums.
FNF: Who is your running role model?
ND: Deena Kastor and Kara Goucher. I read their stories and I admire them.
FNF: What has been your most memorable running / racing experience?
ND: When I did the first full marathon – crossing the finish line. That was indescribable. I wasn’t placing or getting a prize or anything, but it was an amazing feeling. I did the 5K the first year and then the second year I did the half, and then the Houston marathon in 2007. Now my daughter is running half marathons with me. She ran her first one in 2008 in Dallas and even got third place in her age group.
FNF: What have you enjoyed about working with Focus-N-Fly?
ND: I like that you make me dependable. I can go back and log in what I have done and can go back and see what I have accomplished. I can train for a 10K, a half marathon, or a full marathon, and you proportion the time to train accordingly. If I have a question, I can send an email and get a response right away, or if I am injured, I can change my schedule.
FNF: What is one part of your racing routine you can’t do without (sleep, pre race meal, tie shoes certain way, other ritual)?
ND: I lay out everything the night before, on the nightstand, and if my daughter is running with me I make her do the same thing. Before the race, I eat a half a banana and cereal. Before, when I started, I used to eat two sandwiches and a glass of milk. Now, we keep it simple, just a couple of gels. Sometimes I have terrible dreams though – it is really hard to sleep. If it is too cold, I have a big black garbage bag I wear. My husband says, “Are you really getting in the car like that?”
FNF: What is your favorite place to go for a run?
ND: I love Terry Hershey Park, and in Dallas, the Greenbelt park in the Carrolton area. It gives me a little bit of hills.
FNF: In the next year, what goals do you hope to accomplish?
ND: Get back in shape where I can hopefully complete a full marathon and be injury free. I’m running the Houston half in January. I’m kind of testing myself – I have a deadline for when you can switch races. It has been hard to do the pace runs, but I would like to go back to the full marathon, but I don’t know if I will do it by this year. I also want to do 2 or 3 RnR marathons so I can get my Heavy Medal Bling.